Convert more website visitors to clients

Bringing on board more clients is, of course, the marketing holy grail and as anyone in sales will tell you it is a numbers game. The more people you can talk to the more sales you will make, simple right?
In this fast paced instant world we live in, your customers want answers to their questions and concerns now, not in an hour, not tomorrow. Now! With this in mind the team here at GFM have been looking for better ways for you to provide that instant gratification that your potential customers are looking for, a way for you to chat to them directly on your website and hopefully convert more website browser to customers. And so GFM Chat was born.
We have searched high and low for a cost effective (mostly free) solution that will allow us to embed a system directly into your website, from there your site visitor can either login with their Facebook account or provide a user name and email address and send you a question. And from there it’s over to you to join the chat and impart your knowledge and wisdom.
And the best thing? You don’t even need to be at your desk, there is an app for your Apple or Android smartphone so you can chat on the go.
Key features:
- Monitor website visitors in real time
- Answer chats from your Mobile Device or PC
- Proactively engage visitors with Triggers
- We can customise your chat widget to match your site
- Site visitors can log in with Facebook or Google account
- Respond quickly with Predefined Shortcuts
- When you are off line the widget will send you an email so you never miss a message
If you would like to find out more about the GFM Chat, jump on over to the GFM Website and start a chat with us today.