Websites - DIY or Do It Right?

DIY might be in our Kiwi DNA but there are some jobs that are best left to the experts! Web design is definitely one of them - and we’re not just saying that because it’s what we do. Yes, there are free website builders out there, and many of them can offer a polished look and a professional platform: the downside? Your time, your effort, and the risk of it all going terribly wrong! The only question you need to ask yourself is this: what is my website worth to me?
Your website is often the first point of contact for your clients, and you have one chance to make a great impression. More than half of your online visitors will spend less than 15 seconds on your website, so your website needs to grab their attention quickly – or you risk losing that visitor and their business. We have many clients who think they can DIY their website, but after spending hours and hours (and sometimes days and days!) they find they still can’t get it right. They’ve wasted their precious time and energy on something that just doesn’t do the job, and more often than not, they’ve created a site that can not only cost a lot to fix, but that can negatively affect their online presence. We understand that especially as a start-up, finances can be limited - but skimping on a website in this online world is not the best move for your business.
Building a website well involves so much more than dropping text and photos into a pre-built template. A GFM website isn’t a standard ‘one size fits all’ job, because we believe in getting it right from the get go. Hidden behind the swish pages of your site are personalised features which are designed by our talented team and incorporated into your site - making it completely unique to your business.
We’re not just about great design either. Here at GFM, we ensure that your site has all the right user functions, as well as the right words to maximise your SEO results. Optimal search engine results mean that when your potential clients are looking for a solution, your site will be the first to pop up; and being the first kid on the internet block is a huge strategic advantage!
There is an art to SEO and web design, and our team lives and breathes this industry for our clients so that they can concentrate on what they’re best at. So if you need a new website, or your current site needs a makeover, give us a call – we’d love to help.
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