How To Have A Successful Marketing Campaign!
A lesson in brutality. That’s what today’s fast-paced, hyper competitive marketplace is all about. In this age of self-service, customers are being overwhelmed in a sea of choices. In most markets there’s so much product traffic that messages never get a chance to seep into customers’ consciousness.
Don’t let your battle for your market share go unnoticed.
Here are ten tips to use when planning a coordinated marketing campaign:
To thine own-self be true. Clearly define the long-term goals for your coordinated campaign and make sure they support your organization’s goals.
Be the expert. Concentrate on what makes your product or service different from the competition. Set yourself up as the industry leader.
Keep it simple. Powerful ideas are best communicated with bite size chunks of information and simple, compelling images.
Put your money where your mouth is. Put all the pieces in place to deliver on your promises. Make your unique image not only believable but also real.
Think big picture. Use your coordinated campaign to inspire an emotional reaction in customers. Make your brand part of their psyche!
Don’t confuse your audience. When customers see your communications, they should immediately recognize them. Make sure all of your organizational materials have a coordinated look and feel.
Do your homework. Know your customers, know your competition and know which types of communication will effectively reach them.
Do it right. Make sure you allocated the necessary resources to do your campaign justice. Don’t skimp on the necessary marketing and promotional tools that will make your campaign a success. A half-hearted effort shows.
Get results. Set benchmarks to measure your success. An investment in data collection is invaluable in helping to steer the focus of your campaign.
Get help doing what you can’t do (or can’t do well). Your coordinated campaign should tie together your brand, positioning and messaging strategy.
If you’re not sure about the proper approach, seek advice from GFM contact us today for a free consultation