7 Great Reasons Why Email Newsletters Work

An email newsletter is the sharpest tool in your Web Marketing toolbox. If you’re not sending one out you’re missing a great opportunity to connect with your customers and prospects.
Why do I say this? A number of reasons. Seven, in fact. Which is lucky, because that’s the title of this article.
1. Different People, Different Channels
Some portion of your audience will turn to Twitter for your latest news. Some will check in on your Facebook page. Still others will want your info delivered to their inbox because email newsletters remains their first choice for communications from you. Email newsletters keep you communicating with different people via different channels. In fact, your newsletter can be sent out via email, then archived on your website with tweets and Facebook links pointing to it. That approach meets everyone’s need!
2. Nurturing From Prospect to Customer
The email newsletter remains an effective way to build a relationship with a prospect, nurturing them along until they become a customer. They obviously like you enough to sign up for your marketing newsletter. Now keep moving things along in the inbox, kindly and noncommittally, in a way only the soft approach of a newsletter can do.
3. Staying Top of Mind
When someone buys from you, that’s only the beginning of the potential purchases that lie ahead, as long as you keep nurturing the relationship along. Email marketing newsletters can do that, nonchalantly keeping you top of mind until it’s time for another—or different—purchase.
4. Social Media Sharing
What do people share? Content! Whether they tweet it, link to it , blog on it or share it, people spread the word about content they like, whether it’s your writing, pictures or video. And your newsletter can be a mix of all three. As long as it’s great content people will want to share, the format matters less than the share-ability.
5. Serving an SEO Purpose
Even in an age dominated by Facebook, the search engines are still major players in any online marketing efforts. Getting found by people who don’t yet know about you is key, and, in many cases, SEO is how that happens. You give your SEO a boost every time you add content to your website…which archiving your newsletter automatically does. Easy to do, easy to benefit from.
6. Content Marketing
Content marketing is still a hot topic, and an easy one for you to address if an email newsletter is already part of your marketing arsenal. After all, what is a newsletter but content?
7. Re-purposing Content
Content has value. And the more use you can get out of it, the more value it has. A newsletter can be re-purposed content from your blog, whitepaper or Facebook commentary. Or it can be the fodder for any of those. Think “write once, use repeatedly,” and you’ll find your newsletter content is both fed by and feeds several other sources.
There you have it. Seven reasons why newsletters are still newsworthy…and still have a place in your online marketing strategy.
Need help with your email newsletter? GFM will graphically design you an HTML newsletter to compliment your website branding, we will then train you on how to send out your email newsletters quickly and efficiently. Talk to us today about maximizing your online exposure!