Branding, GFM In The Community

Camera Obscura reach major milestone

Congratulations to Diane, Felicity and Trish from the team at GFM


The team behind Camera Obscura have been celebrating a massive milestone today as their PledgeMe campaign comes to a close with over $30, 000 dollars raised for the project! This brings the community support for the project to over $36, 550. Well done Team Camera Obscura.


GFM were very happy to also be able to be a part of this awesome next step in the road to building the Camera Obscura in Whangarei by sponsoring the $250 pledges. Our contribution was supplying branded cheese board sets (shown above) to anyone who donated $250 to the project.


Camera Obscura are now on track to reach the next major milestone of a total of $50, 000 of community support, if you would like to contribute to this amazing and unique gift to the Whangarei community then jump on over to the Camera Obscura website. Donations can be made with Credit Card via PayPal or bank transfer or even cheque.


Not sure what a Camera Obscura is? View the video below for a fun explanation from Camera Obscura supporters.